Sarah Newland Sarah Newland

Rice - is it really gluten free?

Is rice really harmless? Rice contains ORZANIN, which behaves much like gliadin in the body. Gliadin is commonly referred to as ‘gluten’.

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Sarah Newland Sarah Newland

Fluoride! Dental friend, or brain foe?

Fluoride! Is it good for teeth? Or does it destroy our brains? The evolution of research sometimes means we must challenge some of our beliefs or the things we were taught.

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Sarah Newland Sarah Newland

Immunity & wellbeing depend on environmental microbes!

Humans exist in synergy with nature, and as such we are dependant on regular exposure to a variety of environmental microbes. Our immune system literally depends on it in fact. Your microbiome, skin biome, and many other bodily biome systems need more germs, not sanitising!

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“Every single thing you consume is either feeding disease or fighting it”