What if there was a cancer protocol that did no harm?
What if there was a cancer protocol that starved cancer of what it needs to thrive, and simultaneously detoxified the body, addressing the root causes of why the cancer appeared in the first place?
Don’t blame animal fats for what carbs and seed oils did.
Natural fats aren’t just good for you, they are essential! You don’t find ‘bad fats’ in nature. If you are trying to work out which fats are ‘bad’, look no further than those which are produced in factories. Of all the crazy things humans have done to food, the most Frankenstein act of all has been our distortion of oils and fats.
Cholesterol is not the enemy!
Cholesterol is not the enemy… but bad advice from advisory bodies with political or commercial interests might be! Learn about how cholesterol is a healing agent that supports immune, hormone, heart and developmental health.
Do you really have histamine intolerance?
It’s a term that gets thrown around a lot in the natural health world, but it’s not a condition you can be diagnosed with. ‘Histamine intolerance’ is a term that refers to a collection of symptoms which seem to worsen when foods that are high in histamine, or stimulate the release of histamine, are consumed.
Factors that can cause or contribute to so called ‘histamine intolerance’:
Excess histamine production
DAO (diamine oxidase enzyme) deficiency
HMNT mutation (a gene involved in deactivating histamine)
Poor methylation in the liver
Mast cell activation disorder (MCAD)
Nutrition to support menstrual cycle hormone fluctuations.
Have the monthly hormone fluctuations got you a bit cranky, tired, or just less stoked about all your responsibilities?? Nutrition to support your cycle could smooth things out.
How to look after your gut health when taking meds.
Steps you can take to reduce the damage taking medications has on your gut health.
Autoimmune disorders - triggers & treatments we need to shout about!
There has been an exponential rise in autoimmune disorders over the last 50-70 years. Most AID were unheard of in 1970, and today there are between 100 and 140 recognised types of AID. Conventional medicine treatments are largely centred around immune suppressant drugs, which masks symptoms and allows the disease to proliferate and emerge in new areas. How have we got it so wrong? What needs to change?