I’m not into green smoothies. Here’s why

Yep, you read right, I’m not a fan of green smoothies.

Spinach is full of oxalates. Just 5 grams of oxalates can cause enough kidney damage to kill you (it has happened!), and a green smoothie could contain up to 20% (1 gram!) of this. 

Raw kale is so hard to break down. Sure it’s full of nutrients but you’d be lucky to absorb 10% of them. And if you have any inflammation in your gut, the digestive difficulties kale causes will at best sustain the inflammation, and at worst, cause more.

If you really want a green smoothie use rocket / arugula (depending on where you live!), because it has less anti-nutrients and is supportive of bile production and liver function, so it can actually help with liver detox.

Remember, raw veg in general is hard to digest. And too many fruits = blood sugar / insulin shit-show. Therefore smoothies are really not ‘all that’, because they are normally full of either fruits or raw veg, or other sugars such as honey, dates or juice. In fact, I pretty much view most smoothies as smoothie bowls as a dessert.

The real question is why are you having green smoothies? Is it because you want a healthy breakfast and thought green smoothies were it? Is it because you prefer to drink your meals (as opposed to chewing them)? Or is it just because you’re in the habit of making smoothies each morning, but you’re open to better ideas? 

There are many things you could replace green smoothies with. By far my #1 nutrient dense breakfast involves eggs, animal fats, avocado and cooked veg. Even throw in some more animal protein if you have it, e.g. salmon or meat leftovers. For ‘on the road days’, a mason jar with cultured dairy as the main ingredient (raw milk yoghurt, goats milk kefir or yoghurt), chia seeds (I pretty much see chia seeds as a gut-friendly substitute for oats), any other sprouted/soaked seeds or nuts I might have, raw honey, berries, coconut, cacao nibs. 

Are you confident you are making the best breakfast choices possible? If not, just one online session with me could get your daily nutrition set up to have your gut health improving and your energy impacting your whole day …in a good good way. You could feel better within just a couple of weeks! Hit the button below to enquire, I would love to help you. Or visit the website to learn about the 30-day Gut & Metabolic Reset!


Don’t blame animal fats for what carbs and seed oils did.


Microwaves ~ and the real cost of convenience.