Microwaves ~ and the real cost of convenience.

If only it were as simple as ‘you are what you eat’! It’s not though, dammit. How you cook things, or how foods are treated before you eat them can have a huge impact on how body ‘receives’ that food.


From a biochemical perspective (bear with me), you can consider food as ‘information’. It’s just a bunch of molecules that are received by your body and decoded, broken down, and used to either build other parts, facilitate processes, or be excreted. Microwave ovens work by using radiation to turn water molecules into steam which rapidly heats food. The problem is that this process also changes the chemical structure of your food, therefore changing the foods capacity to nourish the body, and potentiating its capacity to do harm.


Examples of what microwave radiation does to your food:


1.        It affects blood products, e.g. meat. A publicized lawsuit involved a woman who died after receiving a blood transfusion whereby the blood had been significantly distorted and deformed due to microwaving. The same occurs on a smaller scale when we microwave foods containing blood and then eat them.

2.        Cancer causing (carcinogenic) toxins leech out of plastic containers under microwave heat and radiation. Commonly microwaved foods like ready meals, popcorn, pizza, and any food in a takeaway container causes multiple contaminants to be released into foods.

3.        Microwave radiation extends beyond the microwave walls. When using a microwave, the 2.4GHz radiation emitted can cause many health issues including cataracts.

4.        Studies have found ‘unequivocal evidence’ that microwave radiation (which is the same as standard Wi-Fi radiation) causes dramatic damage in heart rate and heart rate variability ‘at non-thermal levels that are well below federal safety guidelines’, according to Dr. M Havas of Trent University.

5.        Evidence suggests microwave radiation frequency also leads to blood sugar spiking in certain individuals and increases the risk or severity of diabetes.

6.        Microwaves weaken your immune system by affecting the digestive system and reducing the nutrient value of foods, causing poor health and reduced resistance to bacterial or viral infections.

7.        Constant consumption of microwaved food puts strain on the lymphatic system as insufficient intact nutrition is consumed, and excess nutrient-void food is eaten, leading to more toxins and waste for the body to deal with.  


So in a nutshell, when our body receives the ‘information’ from microwaved food, it is distorted, deformed, and does not contain the nourishing vitamins, minerals, proteins and fats that it may have once contained in its whole natural state. If the listed examples are the real costs of convenience, I am pretty happy to slave over a stove or oven in order to keep my food nutrient dense (and free of molecular deformities!) and my family healthy and strong.  


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